Experience the hair-free look you deserve...

confidence is beautiful!

If you feel that excess facial or body hair is concealing your potential, there is a way to get the hair-free look you deserve. Electrolysis - safe, permanent hair removal - can reveal the full extent of your natural beauty. You will love the smooth, healthy look you can achieve with electrolysis.

Elite Electrolysis Studio is dedicated to helping your maintain the smooth-skinned, perfectly groomed look you deserve. When you look your best, you get the best out of life. With professional electrolysis treatments, you can take control of unwanted hair and let your beautiful skin shine through.

electrolysis tips

Clean skin releases unwanted hair more easily. Remove your makeup before your appointment, so the hair follicles are clean and accessible.

For a more comfortable treatment, 
avoid caffeine for a few hours before your appointment.

Electrolysis works for all combinations of
hair color, skin color, hair type, and skin type.

The probe your electrologist uses to remove your unwanted
hair is usually about the same size as the hair being removed.

Talk to your electrologist about any questions or concerns.
They want your experience to be as comfortable and effective as possible.

Schedule your complimentary permanent hair removal consultation today...